Especially if you are wondering how your organization should also carry out an optimization project with Valuemanager Ninaus in addition to the crisis triggered by COVID-19, these guidelines serve to confirm that the time is right to start a project. You can't go back every day that you let go unused:
- in the digital transformation of your processes
- in reducing your costs while increasing the benefits
- in the optimization of your workflows and the associated processes.
Success Stories
Realise Digital Value Management project
What can we guarantee you in virtual project management?
What needs to be considered in the virtual project work?
Not all tasks and goals can be treated in digital workshops with the same quality and productivity as in analog workshops without adaptation and preparation. Above all, complex and interdisciplinary tasks and project start-up activities need a "physical presence" of the workshop participants. This "physical presence" can also be simulated in virtual workshops by the following preparatory and accompanying activities:
1. Pay attention to the correct composition of your (virtual) team: Especially in digital collaboration, collaboration and collaboration are important characteristics of team members. A functioning representation arrangement and the associated regular exchange of knowledge and experience are also important elements in team leadership.
2. Provide suitable tools and infrastructure: For example, files can be stored in the cloud and updated to make them accessible and accessible at all times, and employees can work on them and make changes at the same time, no matter where.
3. Protect your data: But also think more about the sensitivity of data that is stored and available to the teams and set clear access limits if necessary.
4. Pay attention to even more professionalism in project management: Especially in a virtual work environment, project management must be able to adapt and react to rapidly changing conditions. This requires expertise and experience. Furthermore, it is advantageous to support the project management in the technical implementation of workshops in order to give the project manager the opportunity to concentrate on the moderation and management of the virtual workshops and project management tasks. Provide suitable capacities in the project, since it is obvious that the virtual way of working takes more time in project execution.
5. Formulate clear goals: In order for a virtual team to be able to act successfully, clear goals must be set which can be followed. These should be repeated regularly. In addition to the common goal, it must be clear how each individual contributes to achieving this. If you work together in an office, it is usually still relatively easy to estimate the contribution your own work will make. However, this becomes all the more abstract if the work of many employees only comes together at a central point.
6. Give the project a clear structure: virtual teams in particular need the clear “common thread” in the project in order not to get lost in their own subtasks and to work past needs. Here again, project management is required to establish and execute appropriate project planning and project controlling. This workflow in project management must be supported by clear documentation specifications in order to reduce the number of interactions in virtual teams to a minimum.
7. Prepare the virtual teamwork and workshops as best as possible: the recipe for success for productive virtual teams is extensive preparation of the virtual workshops. I.e. make the information necessary for the workshop available to the team members in advance. Create ready-made forms that can be easily developed as a team during the workshop. In the best case, the employees have already prepared for the workshop using the form.
Submit the results of the workshops promptly to the participants in order to keep them up to date with the project results.8. Allow sufficient time for the workshops: Additional time must be provided for the virtual workshops to be carried out. The many interface points that result from the fact that the team is not all in one place will probably mean more time for the workshop. A strong focus on compromises between the beginning and end of working hours is important to ensure effective moderation and team loyalty. Take flexibility into account when developing the agenda.
9. Introduce regular feedback in the team: a personal discussion about ideas and potential for improvement, but also addressing criticism is important for hygiene within a (virtual) team. Regular rituals such as joint “virtual coffee breaks” also promote the team spirit.
10. Try to be a “Leader as host”: Virtual teamwork requires a rethink in the company, a rethinking of employees and, above all, a rethinking of the managers of virtual teams. The "leader as a host" tries (besides his control and leadership function) as moderator to bring people together who solve complex problems together.